Affiliate Marketing Use Case

Optimizing creatives for email friendliness in a matter of minutes.

Watch how over 70 issues were found and corrected in a few minutes without manually editing a line of HTML.
Simplify Your Success: Effortless Optimization of Affiliate Marketing Creatives

A Comprehensive Use Case for Enhanced Email Delivery and Reputation

In this use case, Andrew delves into an Affiliate Marketing case study using email. Affiliate Marketing involves companies sending offers to subscribers and receiving compensation from affiliates. Analyzing a sponsored message from GoldCo, Andrew identifies issues like JavaScript usage, excessive CSS, spam triggers, and more.

The use case demonstrates the cleaning process, addressing font sizes, image sizes, background image usage, missing title tags, and other optimizations. Andrew identifies and rectifies various issues, such as adjusting font sizes, handling oversize images, and removing unnecessary elements. The Spam Keyword Ratio is managed by adjusting wording, and SpamAssassin results are improved by addressing issues related to large sums of money in links.

The Link Summary is optimized by adding appropriate titles, and the Image Summary is tackled by fixing alt tags and resizing an unsupported, oversized image. The use case emphasizes the importance of correcting these issues for better delivery and reputation.

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